How to reset calculation groups in a custom tooltip or drillthrough page
Using calculation groups in visuals can make your life a lot easier. But when you try to use custom tooltips or drillthroughs on these visuals, the calculation groups get applied to those as well. This can be challenging when you want your tooltip to show calculation items besides the one you’re hovering over. In this post, I’ll show you how you can address this issue, so you can reset and reapply your calculation groups for tooltips and drillthrough pages.
10 ways you can use Calculation Groups in Power BI
When I first started learning about Calculation Groups, I could certainly see how much potential this new DAX feature would eventually have. The global Power BI community has certainly proven me right, as they’ve discovered plenty of great uses for them! Here are my top 10 use cases for them, spanning time intelligence, dynamic formatting, controlling relationships and enhancing the user experience…